U.S. Supreme Court allows the FBI to Hack any Computer in the World
The US Supreme Court has approved amendments to Rule 41, which now gives judges the authority to issue search warrants, not only for computers located in their jurisdiction but also outside their jurisdiction. Under the original Rule 41, let’s say, a New York judge can only authorize the FBI to hack into a suspect's computer in New York. But the amended rule would now make it easier for the FBI to hack into any computer or network, literally anywhere in the world. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) can now Hack your computers anywhere, anytime. The FBI appeared to have been granted powers to hack any computer legally across the country, and perhaps anywhere in the world, with just a single search warrant authorized by any United States judge. The U.S. Supreme Court approved a change in Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure that would let U.S. judges issue warrants for remote access to electronic devices outside their jurisdiction. "These amendme...